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Aug 9, 2018

When we put out the call for furry musicians who might be interested in helping us test our format, Maru was one of the first people to respond, and we couldn't be happier about that! 

They make really atmospheric mixed-media music and we absolutely loved every second of what they brought for us to listen to.

Here's where to find them:
Twitter @marufawks
Soundcloud: marutunes
Soundcloud: C Ø R V U S
Bandcamp: C Ø R V U S

The first two tracks, "Open the Gates" and "Stable 207" are currently unreleased, but we will update the show notes with links if and when they are available.

Through the Day of the Night: Bandcamp, Soundcloud
Badlands: Bandcamp, Soundcloud

Something to do with Love: Kickstarter, Steam

Zoofonix can be found in the following locations:
our website
Twitter: @zoofonix
Facebook: zoofonix
tumblr: zoofonix
Spotify: listen, playlists
Soundcloud: zoofonix
email: zoofonix @